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Since the “Biden’s Fine!” Big Lie Collapsed, Here’s Six Questions Needing Answers…FAST! – Brian Cates

Since the “Biden’s Fine!” Big Lie Collapsed, Here’s Six Questions Needing Answers…FAST! – Brian Cates

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​   Don’t miss what started happening last week.The fallout from that Big Lie collapsing in real-time at that debate, the Big Lie they were all in on, furiously and relentlessly gaslighting the country about for more than 4 years, will continue to grow.That same Big Brother Fake News Media that spent the past 4 years insisting you should believe their propaganda and not your lying eyes? That’s now pretending to be **shocked**, SHOCKED, I say, to suddenly discover Biden hasn’t been running the country for some time now…if he ever was? They’re S-L-O-W-L-Y…oh so VERY slowly…only now beginning to come to… 

Source: Rise of the New Media Newsletter – Read More