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SURPRISE! Special Counsel Jack Smith & His Prosecution Team Are Actually A Bunch of Incompetent Screwups! – Brian Cates

SURPRISE! Special Counsel Jack Smith & His Prosecution Team Are Actually A Bunch of Incompetent Screwups! – Brian Cates

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​   “Damn, I almost had him…! I don’t suppose I can have a mulligan?”I realize there’s this fantasy persona that the Fake News Media has created for Special Counsel Jack Smith and his supposedly crack prosecution team. A lot of time, effort, and resources were expended in creating this public perception of Smith as an incorruptible crime fightin’ prosecutor who was simply PERFECT, like, right from central casting or something, for the oh-so-very-important job of bringing Donald J. Trump to justice at last, and sending him to prison! Not to mention PREVENTING Trump from becoming the 47th US President!Yes indeed, CIA-affiliated… 

Source: Rise of the New Media Newsletter – Read More