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Home » ​China Orders Largest Military Build-Up Since 1930s Germany; Report – Tyler Durden

​China Orders Largest Military Build-Up Since 1930s Germany; Report – Tyler Durden

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​China Orders Largest Military Build-Up Since 1930s Germany; Report – Tyler Durden

China Orders Largest Military Build-Up Since 1930s Germany; Report According to a report by a national security expert, the People’s Republic of China has ordered the largest military build-up of any nation in the world since Germany in the 1930s, raising concerns about the military threat presented by China. As Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness, the claims were made in an article in The Federalist written by Chuck DeVore, the chief national initiatives officer at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. DeVore points out that while the American military has spent over $5.4 trillion on wasted wars such as the “War on…  — Continue at ZeroHedge News : Read More