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Home » ​Housing Starts & Building Permits Plunged To COVID Lows In July – Tyler Durden

​Housing Starts & Building Permits Plunged To COVID Lows In July – Tyler Durden

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​Housing Starts & Building Permits Plunged To COVID Lows In July – Tyler Durden

Housing Starts & Building Permits Plunged To COVID Lows In July After an unexpected jump in June, housing starts and building permits were expected to decline MoM in July (as homebuilder sentiment slipped the lows of the year)… and down they dropped – bigly. Starts tumbled 6.8% MoM (-1.5% exp) and Permits plunged 4.0% MoM (-2.0% exp). June’s starts print was revised lower while permits June print was revised higher… Source: Bloomberg This decline dragged both Starts and Permits to their lowest since the COVID lockdowns… Source: Bloomberg Single-family Starts plunged (but multi-family home starts rose)… Source: Bloomberg But, Single-family…  — Continue at ZeroHedge News : Read More

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