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Home » How China Broke From the Slave Labor Agenda – Matthew Ehret

How China Broke From the Slave Labor Agenda – Matthew Ehret

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How China Broke From the Slave Labor Agenda – Matthew Ehret

Recently, I wrote an article for Badlands titled ‘BRICS vs WEF: The Clash of two Green Paradigms,’ where I examined the nature of the two diametrically opposing concepts of “sustainability” clashing between the anti-growth, closed system feudal technocracy on the one hand, and the pro-growth, open system sovereign nation state coalition on the other.How did this schism of paradigms between the unipolar vs. multipolar systems emerge, and how can we, as patriots, navigate through the current storm using the knowledge of this fight to guide us?In this segment, I will continue to add a depth and nuance to the too-often… 

Source: Badlands Media – Read More 

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