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Why “Just Eat Less and Exercise More” Doesn’t Work For People Trapped in the Standard American Diet – Brian Cates

Why “Just Eat Less and Exercise More” Doesn’t Work For People Trapped in the Standard American Diet – Brian Cates

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​   Recently Matt Walsh got himself some higher-than-usual attention by discussing how many fat people out there are simply deluding themselves about the science of fat loss.Why, to hear Matt tell it, we have a current on-going severe obesity crisis in this country because fat people make the key mistake of rejecting the incontrovertible science of weight loss:Now, I have to be careful here…because Matt is right…but he’s also wrong.I’m speaking from both the science aspect and personal experience.”Eat less, exercise more!” in a short term paradigm, will cause you to lose some weight.I know this because I followed that ‘wisdom’… 

Source: Rise of the New Media Newsletter – Read More  

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