Frank Rubio DID NOT eat the space tomato! A 9-month-old space mystery has finally been solved, as the remains of a tiny tomato harvested in space and subsequently lost by NASA astronaut Frank Rubio was finally found aboard the International Space Station (ISS). Rubio admitted misplacing one of the first tomatoes ever grown in space – but many said he ate it. CNN reported: “’I put it in a little bag, and one of my crewmates was doing a (public) event with some schoolkids, and I thought it’d be kind of cool to show the kids — ‘Hey guys this… — Source: The Gateway Pundit – Read More
Home » The Amazing Saga of the Tomato Lost in Space: ISS Astronauts Find the Produce Missing Since March, and ‘Exonerate’ Frank Rubio, Accused by Trolls of Having Eaten It – Paul Serran