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Home » ​The UK’s Ploy To Pull Their Gold From The Wastebasket – Tyler Durden

​The UK’s Ploy To Pull Their Gold From The Wastebasket – Tyler Durden

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​The UK’s Ploy To Pull Their Gold From The Wastebasket – Tyler Durden

The UK’s Ploy To Pull Their Gold From The Wastebasket Via, While the topic of conservation has grown in prominence over the past few decades, it sometimes takes forms that would not be commonly thought of as “conservation.” The British Government has melded a desire for conservation with the love of mammon, using recent scientific breakthroughs. Gold will be lost at a much slower rate, as its largest industrial use will no longer mean sure destruction for the precious metal. A plant has opened up where modern prospectors will hunt for gold in used electronics using a targeted chemical process. A small town…  — Continue at ZeroHedge News : Read More

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