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Home » ​Warren Buffett, Dave Ramsey, & John Maynard Keynes Are Wrong! – Tyler Durden

​Warren Buffett, Dave Ramsey, & John Maynard Keynes Are Wrong! – Tyler Durden

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​Warren Buffett, Dave Ramsey, & John Maynard Keynes Are Wrong! – Tyler Durden

Warren Buffett, Dave Ramsey, & John Maynard Keynes Are Wrong! Authored by Mark Thornton via The Mises Institute, This week, we explain how Warren Buffett, Dave Ramsey, and John Maynard Keynes are wrong about gold. John Maynard Keynes, the Godfather of Keynesian economics, famously called gold the “barbarous relic,” a term he used to denigrate the gold standard and to disparage the use of gold as money. Specifically, he hated the constraint the gold standard placed on government spending. If the government prints too much currency that can’t be redeemed in gold, then it must cut back its spending, bringing on a recession or depression,…  — Continue at ZeroHedge News : Read More

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