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Home » 10/26/2023 President Trump Getting Ready to Present Evidence of Election Interference in DC Trial

10/26/2023 President Trump Getting Ready to Present Evidence of Election Interference in DC Trial

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A new document in the case against President Trump in Washington DC, for the alleged charges of “Conspiracy to Defraud the United States”, “Conspiracy to Obstruct Official Proceedings” —and a couple of other nonsense that it is not necessary to mention— is becoming the new hope for many that some information will finally be presented as evidence of the 2020 electoral fraud.

The document known as CIPA § 5 Notice —CIPA stands for ‘Classified Information Procedures Act’— confirms that Trump and his lawyers are going to present classified documents, unknown until now, that would demonstrate electoral interference both in the 2020 and 2016 Presidential Elections.

The document says the following:


President Trump will offer classified information at trial relating to foreign influence activities that impacted the 2016 and 2020 elections, as well as efforts by his administration to combat those activities. President Trump will also present classified information relating to the biased and politicized nature of the intelligence assessments that he and others rejected during the events in question. Collectively, this evidence will undercut central theories of the prosecution and establish that President Trump acted at all times in good faith and on the belief that he was doing what he had been elected to do.


This would confirm that during the trial, Trump has the ability to prove that there was electoral interference in both presidential elections, 2016 and 2020. He even mentions interference by foreign actors.

If the trial is broadcasted live on TV, the most surprised people will be all those who hate Trump and want to see him sentenced as guilty, when instead, it’s very possible that the 2020 electoral fraud will be proven.

As always, we will have to wait for the judicial process to develop, but this CIPA notice is already an interesting signal.




NOTICE of CIPA § 5 Filing and Objection to Unauthorized Deletions:

United States v. TRUMP (1:23-cr-00257) Full Docket:



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