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Home » ​Catastrophic JOLTS: Private Sector Job Openings Plunge To 6 Year Low As Both Hiring And Quits Crater – Tyler Durden

​Catastrophic JOLTS: Private Sector Job Openings Plunge To 6 Year Low As Both Hiring And Quits Crater – Tyler Durden

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​Catastrophic JOLTS: Private Sector Job Openings Plunge To 6 Year Low As Both Hiring And Quits Crater – Tyler Durden

Catastrophic JOLTS: Private Sector Job Openings Plunge To 6 Year Low As Both Hiring And Quits Crater Heading into today’s JOLTS number we were expecting much of last month’s unexpected job opening surge – which as we noted last month was the result of a bizarre spike in “government” openings – to be revised away, and for the June print to drop from the revised May print. Expect big drop in JOLTS job openings as last month’s surge in government job openings is revised away — zerohedge (@zerohedge) July 30, 2024 In retrospect, that is what happened if not…  — Continue at ZeroHedge News : Read More

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