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Home » ​China, Iran, Pakistan, And Russia Are Increasingly Displeased With The Afghan Taliban – Tyler Durden

​China, Iran, Pakistan, And Russia Are Increasingly Displeased With The Afghan Taliban – Tyler Durden

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​China, Iran, Pakistan, And Russia Are Increasingly Displeased With The Afghan Taliban – Tyler Durden

China, Iran, Pakistan, And Russia Are Increasingly Displeased With The Afghan Taliban Authored by Andrew Korybko via Substack, The Chinese, Iranian, Pakistani, and Russian Foreign Ministers gathered for their third quadrilateral meeting on Afghanistan on the sidelines of the UNGA last week. The joint statement that they produced was sharply critical of the Taliban on very sensitive issues, thus showing that they’re becoming increasingly displeased with them. They confirmed that international terrorist groups are still active in Afghanistan despite the Taliban’s claims and called on them to fulfill their obligation to fight them. Those four’s joint statement explicitly said that the Taliban…  — Continue at ZeroHedge News : Read More