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Home » Georgia Governor Bran Kemp Is Preventing an Investigation into the 2020 Election from Taking Place – Guest Contributor

Georgia Governor Bran Kemp Is Preventing an Investigation into the 2020 Election from Taking Place – Guest Contributor

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Georgia Governor Bran Kemp Is Preventing an Investigation into the 2020 Election from Taking Place – Guest Contributor

 Guest post by Joe Hoft at – republished with permission Georgia Governor Brian Kemp is preventing an investigation into the 2020 Election. Who else is in cahoots with Governor Kemp and the Democrats to stop the Georgia State Election Board (SEB)? Yesterday BIG NEWS dropped how the SEB has not received their funding from Governor Kemp and the Governor’s Office of Planning & Budget (OPB) as appropriated by the Georgia State Legislature for 2024 Without their funding, the SEB is unable to effectively do their jobs to help ensure secure, free and fair elections Why? It’s because everyone is… — Source: The Gateway Pundit – Read More