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Home » ‘Great Reset’ Plan Would Decimate US Navy, Strip Crews from Ships in Active Surface Fleet – Jared Harris, The Western Journal

‘Great Reset’ Plan Would Decimate US Navy, Strip Crews from Ships in Active Surface Fleet – Jared Harris, The Western Journal

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‘Great Reset’ Plan Would Decimate US Navy, Strip Crews from Ships in Active Surface Fleet – Jared Harris, The Western Journal

 The United States Navy has reportedly drafted a drastic plan in response to a growing manpower problem. The Military Sealift Command’s “force generation reset,” informally known as “the great reset,” would see 17 Navy ships stripped of crews and moved to long-term maintenance holding. Although the apparent plan has not been given the green light by Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Lisa Franchetti, some of the targeted ships have been tracked returning to America. The plan lists 17 support ships with various functions and roles, the U.S. Naval Institute reported. These constitute nearly six percent of the total active surface… — Source: The Gateway Pundit – Read More