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Home » ​Job Openings Unexpectedly Jump Over 8 Million On Record Surge In Construction Job Openings – Tyler Durden

​Job Openings Unexpectedly Jump Over 8 Million On Record Surge In Construction Job Openings – Tyler Durden

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​Job Openings Unexpectedly Jump Over 8 Million On Record Surge In Construction Job Openings – Tyler Durden

Job Openings Unexpectedly Jump Over 8 Million On Record Surge In Construction Job Openings One month after the “catastrophic” August JOLTS report presaged the ugly September jobs report,  which in turn prompted the Fed to cut a “jumbo” 50bps and spooked markets that a recession was imminent, moments ago the BLS reported that in September (as a reminder, the Job Openings and Labor Turnover report lags the Payrolls report, which is due on Friday, by one month), job openings unexpectedly jumped by 329K from an upward revised 7.711 million in July (up from 7.673 million) to 8.040 million in August,…  — Continue at ZeroHedge News : Read More