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Home » Man who Predicted Biden’s Drop Out: “Prepare for ‘Kamala Crash’” – Promoted Post

Man who Predicted Biden’s Drop Out: “Prepare for ‘Kamala Crash’” – Promoted Post

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Man who Predicted Biden’s Drop Out: “Prepare for ‘Kamala Crash’” – Promoted Post

 (Note: Thank you for supporting businesses like those presenting a sponsored message below and ordering through the links below, which benefits Gateway Pundit. We appreciate your support!) On August 5th, the Dow Jones Industrial Index plunged more than 1,000 points… Capping a meltdown that erased $6.4 trillion from global markets. President Trump called it “The Kamala Crash.” According to former advisor to the CIA, the Pentagon and the White House Jim Rickards… Who predicted Trump’s 2016 election and Biden’s drop out… Kamala and her puppet masters are planning this dirty election move… That could trigger a crash 10 times worse… — Source: The Gateway Pundit – Read More