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Home » ​MSM Absent In Reporting “Dozens Of Night Time Low Temp Records” Across US  – Tyler Durden

​MSM Absent In Reporting “Dozens Of Night Time Low Temp Records” Across US  – Tyler Durden

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​MSM Absent In Reporting “Dozens Of Night Time Low Temp Records” Across US  – Tyler Durden

MSM Absent In Reporting “Dozens Of Night Time Low Temp Records” Across US  Climate alarmists and their left-wing corporate media allies, who constantly spread fear and anxiety among an already heavily medicated population, churn out endless streams of climate doom headlines right at the peak of the Northern Hemisphere summer (how convenient). They deliberately ignore the fact that the 2022 Tonga Volcano eruption is contributing to some of the Earth’s warming—and they’ll conveniently leave out this critical piece of climate news: “Dozens of night time low temp records have been broken the last 2 mornings. Many folks waking up to temps…  — Continue at ZeroHedge News : Read More