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Home » ​New York Tops London As The World’s Worst City For Rush-Hour Traffic – Tyler Durden

​New York Tops London As The World’s Worst City For Rush-Hour Traffic – Tyler Durden

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​New York Tops London As The World’s Worst City For Rush-Hour Traffic – Tyler Durden

New York Tops London As The World’s Worst City For Rush-Hour Traffic Traffic congestion costs drivers around the world hours of lost time and economic productivity. Traffic can serve as an economic indicator, as the flow of people, goods, and services drives the demand for road travel, reflecting underlying economic activity. But when this demand surpasses the available road capacity, it leads to congestion, time lost in traffic, and often rising frustration. This chart, via Visual Capitalist’s Kayla Zhu, shows the 15 worst cities around the world for traffic congestion in 2023, ranked by the average number of hours lost to…  — Continue at ZeroHedge News : Read More