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Home » ​Prepper Paradise: Gold’s Power When It All Goes Down – Tyler Durden

​Prepper Paradise: Gold’s Power When It All Goes Down – Tyler Durden

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​Prepper Paradise: Gold’s Power When It All Goes Down – Tyler Durden

Prepper Paradise: Gold’s Power When It All Goes Down Via, Society’s linear march forward is used to justify numerous seemingly innocuous lifestyle choices. The assumption that the way things have been is the way they will continue to be is the unquestionable tenet at the root of a carefree ideology that can lead to horrid unintended consequences when it all goes down. People in developed western countries, particularly in the past 80 years, have experienced a level of stability and growth that has rarely been seen. This extremely small sample size of history has led many to bank on the success…  — Continue at ZeroHedge News : Read More

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