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Home » Saudis Are Using Lethal Force To Displace Villagers and Clear Land for a Futuristic Desert City ‘The Line’ – Paul Serran

Saudis Are Using Lethal Force To Displace Villagers and Clear Land for a Futuristic Desert City ‘The Line’ – Paul Serran

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Saudis Are Using Lethal Force To Displace Villagers and Clear Land for a Futuristic Desert City ‘The Line’ – Paul Serran

 It’s a recurring notion in our world that Utopia can only be ushered through the use of bloodshed. The people who happen to stand in the way of ‘progress’ can sometimes only be displaced by force. Take Saudi Arabia, for example, who are in the process of building the futuristic… 

Source: The Gateway Pundit – Read More  

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