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Home » Study: Global Warming is Causing Cognitive Decline in Lunatic Politicians Causing Them to Lose Power to ‘Dangerous’ Populists – Jim Hoft

Study: Global Warming is Causing Cognitive Decline in Lunatic Politicians Causing Them to Lose Power to ‘Dangerous’ Populists – Jim Hoft

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Study: Global Warming is Causing Cognitive Decline in Lunatic Politicians Causing Them to Lose Power to ‘Dangerous’ Populists – Jim Hoft

 Noted junk scientist Al Gore blowing hot air Boy, these lunatics sure have gall. A new “study” at 50 Science found that global warming is affecting the language complexity of the lunatic left, which in turn results in populists winning elections. Apparently, global warming is causing the cognitive performance of… 

Source: The Gateway Pundit – Read More  

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