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Home » ​The Rollercoaster Ride Ahead: 15 Years Of Extreme Distortions Will Be Unwound – Tyler Durden

​The Rollercoaster Ride Ahead: 15 Years Of Extreme Distortions Will Be Unwound – Tyler Durden

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​The Rollercoaster Ride Ahead: 15 Years Of Extreme Distortions Will Be Unwound – Tyler Durden

The Rollercoaster Ride Ahead: 15 Years Of Extreme Distortions Will Be Unwound Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, The rollercoaster ride is about to get “fun,” as in unpredictable, volatile and unnerving for those normalized to extreme distortions “fixing” all things financial. Humans have a knack for normalizing extremes. We quickly habituate to conditions that would have been intolerable before the extremes were normalized by habituation and recency bias. In no time at all, we’ve persuaded ourselves that living on reds, vitamin C and cocaine is not only normal, it’s healthy. For 15 years, extreme policies have steadily dragged the economy and the…  — Continue at ZeroHedge News : Read More

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