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The Werewolf Game – Our Vast, Undiscovered History – American Hypnotist

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The Werewolf Game – Our Vast, Undiscovered History – American Hypnotist

This feature is a continuation of The Werewolf Game series, which explores some of the core tenets at the heart of the Deep State’s mass mind control strategy. Start the series here.Greetings Friends and Patriots,Today, we’re going to talk about the hidden origins of the Deep State Cabal.I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: the creation of this Werewolf Game series took me by total surprise. I never once thought I’d end up writing a book’s worth of articles connecting werewolf symbolism to the DS—I never would have predicted how many threads of research would coalesce around this… 

Source: Badlands Media – Read More 

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