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Home » ​Thousands Of Illegal Migrants Deported From Germany To Poland – Tyler Durden

​Thousands Of Illegal Migrants Deported From Germany To Poland – Tyler Durden

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​Thousands Of Illegal Migrants Deported From Germany To Poland – Tyler Durden

Thousands Of Illegal Migrants Deported From Germany To Poland By Grzegorz Adamczyk of RMX news Thousands of illegal migrants have been deported from Germany to Poland, according to recent reports. Aleksandra Fedorska, a journalist for independent Radio Wnet, revealed that as of the end of June, 3,140 people had been expelled from Germany’s Brandenburg region alone. This figure is part of a broader trend, with estimates suggesting that the total number of deportees from neighboring German lands could reach nearly 10,000. Szok!!! Z samej Brandenburgii do końca czerwca wydalono z Niemiec do Polski 3140 osób, a to tylko jeden w…  — Continue at ZeroHedge News : Read More