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Home » ​UK’s Online Safety Act May Be Canary In The Coalmine For Canada Under Online Harms Act – Tyler Durden

​UK’s Online Safety Act May Be Canary In The Coalmine For Canada Under Online Harms Act – Tyler Durden

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​UK’s Online Safety Act May Be Canary In The Coalmine For Canada Under Online Harms Act – Tyler Durden

UK’s Online Safety Act May Be Canary In The Coalmine For Canada Under Online Harms Act Authored by Pete Menzies via The Epoch Times, We need to talk about Julie Sweeney. She’s a 53-year-old English woman who used to live in Church Lawton, Cheshire, and she once had a Facebook account. Today, she’s in prison, serving a 15-month sentence after being convicted under new Criminal Code provisions in the United Kingdom’s Online Safety Act. From all available accounts, Ms. Sweeney had—at least until this summer—lived without causing any trouble or having any negative interactions with the local constabulary. Then, on…  — Continue at ZeroHedge News : Read More