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Home » WAYNE ROOT: The Tulsi Gabbard Story Should Scare Every American to Death. Do You Understand How Evil, Vicious and Out-of-Control Democrats and the Deep State Are Right Now? Can You Imagine What Democrats Will Be Willing to Do If They Win in November? – Assistant Editor

WAYNE ROOT: The Tulsi Gabbard Story Should Scare Every American to Death. Do You Understand How Evil, Vicious and Out-of-Control Democrats and the Deep State Are Right Now? Can You Imagine What Democrats Will Be Willing to Do If They Win in November? – Assistant Editor

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WAYNE ROOT: The Tulsi Gabbard Story Should Scare Every American to Death. Do You Understand How Evil, Vicious and Out-of-Control Democrats and the Deep State Are Right Now? Can You Imagine What Democrats Will Be Willing to Do If They Win in November? – Assistant Editor

 By Wayne Allyn Root I’ve said this for over twenty years- “We have a 2-party system. The Democrat Party is filled with radical, extreme, Marxist, communist traitors who want to destroy America. Pure evil. Satan inspired. They are the enemies of good patriotic Americans. They are the real “domestic terrorists.” But my party- the GOP- is a party of weak-willed, feckless, cowards afraid of their own shadow, and sellouts who claim to be Republicans, but really play for the other side.” This is true, now more than ever. Except now it’s true squared times 100,000! Think of what Democrats (ie… — Source: The Gateway Pundit – Read More