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Home » Trump White House Press Briefing – 3 Years Delta

Trump White House Press Briefing – 3 Years Delta

Exactly 3 years ago, we published for our Spanish speaking audience the following story with some remarks about the Press Briefing that President Trump had on 04/24/2020.

This is a perfect picture of what we saw and reported at the time, with the Mainstream Media just spewing pessimism with their mostly incompetent questions, during a time where President Trump was trying to instill hope and calm on the American People:

04-24-2020 Notes from the White House Press Briefing

In a surprise move for the White House press correspondents, today, April 24, 2020, President Trump ended the press conference after just 21 minutes and a few seconds and left immediately, along with members of his Task Force, without answering any questions and ignoring the reporters who were waiting to ask questions as in previous days.

Many of the journalists began to bombard Trump with questions, a few seconds after remarks by Vice President Mike Pence, who at one point hesitated, because apparently he did not know if Trump was going to return to the podium to answer questions or not, but right after Pence finished and after looking at President Trump, everyone from the Administration left the Press Briefing room leaving the journalists totally cold.

Many people on social networks, especially Twitter users, have celebrated this action by President Trump, and they estimate that this was due to the bad faith that reporters have shown during weeks of daily press conferences by President Trump, answering questions sometimes for up to 2 hours and even asking the journalists if they were already tired or not and if they wanted to continue asking.

Most of the questions were not biased, but all of them had two possible overtones:

    1. Trying to make Trump fall into some error regarding his statements from previous days or,
    2. Formulate his questions in a totally pessimistic way trying to use the most pessimistic words, to try to continue keeping the public in the maximum state of panic.

This attitude most of the of the mainstream media is increasingly brazen, so much so that many, many people on social networks are increasingly aware of this attitude and criticize and denounce these journalists and their employers, the mass media.

Among the important news of the day, the following stands out:

    • Trump has signed into law the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Improvement Act, which supports American families, workers, hospitals, and small business owners. This law includes emergency financial relief for small businesses, more resources for hospitals, and also investments to expand coronavirus tests.
    • There was also some data confirming again that the number of cases in the US is really on the decline.

Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act Signing Ceremony

Earlier, during the bill’s signing ceremony, President Trump commented on how poorly the US Postal Service has been run for years.

Even Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin commented that they are working on a reform of the postal service and that they are going to elect a new PostMaster General, who is in charge of leading the US Postal Service.

Then, during a small question-and-answer exchange with reporters, President Trump said that the US Postal Service loses money every time it delivers packages for online sales companies like Amazon, and that in order to “not making those companies angry” they don’t tell them anything and continue working at a loss. He also added that “the postal service should charge 4 or 5 times what they charge those companies to deliver their packages” and that “if they increased prices to those companies, not to the public, the postal service would not lose money as it happens now.”

Even during the afternoon, Trump published the following tweet:

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